Alex M animatic

Music Video Presentation

Monday, April 21, 2008


Just before half term I finished my music Video. I am so pleased to have gotten that off my shoulders. I feel a lot less stressed now.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008



HORAYY! I've nearly finished editing my music video. The only dillema is that it doesn't look as great as my classmates ones. It doesn't look worthy of a DISTINCTION!!! Thing is though I don't know how to make it worthy of one. Arrghhh this is so frustrating!!!!

I can't WAIT to get this all over and done with because it's stressing me out! I need a break!!! I'm not a patient person when it comes to technology so argghhh...I hope next Friday comes quick!

Thats all for now...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pretty Pleased with myself

Basically at this moment in time I am extremely pleased with myself. I think I've progressed faster then my classmates at creating my music video masterpiece.
I am astounded at how orginasied I have been for once. I have all my pre-production work (usually I loose my papers) and I have filmed all of my footage!!!!
Tomorrow afternoon I shall start to edit my footage (must remember to bring in my song!) and then I am editing on Friday afternoon, monday the 17th March and finally thursday the 20th.
I can't wait to get all this over with as I am super stressed out with all the work and tight deadlines.
I will miss Wednesday (19th) afternoon because I have won runner up Sussex BTEC learner of the year award and the awards ceremony is on that day at 4:30PM. I need to go home before hand to get ready. The awards will be at the Hilton Metrapole in Brighton.
I don't quite know how my editing is going to go. I'm a little worried that I will need to go out and film more scenes and things but possibly not. I shall have to see.
Thats all for now :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Aiden - 'She will Love You' Lyrics

You say you're in love
Well cursive wrote this sonnet to the end
You say you're in love
But this heart still can't pretend
Everything dressed in picturesque
So perfectly aligned
Will you come to me?
Will you come to me?

Kiss me quick I'm losing
Well can we live forever?

You say you're in love
Well beauty slides this silhouette to screen
Will you come to me?
Will you come to me?

Kiss me quick I'm losing
Well can we live forever?
Kiss me quick I'm losing
But I'm miserable still

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?

Can you take me back so far away?
Can you take me back so far away?
There's something left...
There's something left to say
There's something left...
You got something left to say

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise, yeah yeah
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aiden- She will love you video

Aiden's 'She will love you' is my music video choice. I have a rough idea of what the video is going to be like. Its basically going to be a video which the woman is the main focus and the man who loves her is watching her on a TV this man also looks at pictures of her in magazines and the internet. He is completely in love with her. There will be close ups of the girl.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Who I might be doing a music video for...

At this point I have decided to create a music video for my friend Gino D'Andrea's acoustic project (1 track)

I think it's likely Gino and I can come to some arrangements for me to make him one. Him and I will have meetings do discuss our ideas of what he wants and what I think will be best. I'll let him pick his song too. I think I'll have great fun creating him a music video.

I am already thinking about what I want to see in the video and it includes Gino sitting down with his Guitar and performing in this mist. Then I want to use lots of close ups of his face to see the emotion. I want a dark blue background..slightly grey. Perhaps footage of a girl whos living her everyday life with no worries then..yeah it's too long to type all the info.

Its going to be fun!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Todays Lesson

Todays lesson I found out that I will be piting my presentation on the 6th Feb at 1:30PM.

I aldo filled out a worksheet about 'Good Charlotte' Star image and development.

...I'll continue this post later.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Simple Plan

Today in class we had the pleasure of watching 2 Simple Plan videos. We watched the one called ""Addicted" and also "I'd do anything". We talked about the purpose of the music videos. Then talked about what Simple Plan are like now in comparison to in the 2 videos we watched.

We talked about:
"Star Image" - It is more about the band or solo artist's image and how it may change from video to video e.g Madonna never looks the same in any of her videos.

"Star Vehicle" -

"Star Power" - This is where sometimes in a video the band or solo artist is trying to promote their charity or trying to make people think about a certain thing e.g Live 8 song..trying to promote live 8.

With Simple Plan their 'Star Image' has recently changed. The lead singer has now got an arm full of tattoos and has longer hair. David (bassist) has a stubble and so does Chuck the drummer. The music has become more 'Pop'. This is all reflected in the latest video because there are lots of close ups on the band members.

I will be putting up the videos soon.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Chris Cunningham

I really love Chris Cunningham's work. Its strange and therefor very exciting.

Chris has done one of THE HORRORS videos. Its amazing! He's such a creative guy. He's got lots of really crazy and random ideas. He's currently working with them on their next album due out this year.

Today in our lesson we watched a video about Chris's work and it was very interesting. He was talking about these videos he worked on and we also got shown the videos. He seems to only really do videos for experimental dance music. It's not the sort of thing I'd listen to but the videos really go well with the videos just because of how strange the music is and also the vids.

It was intersting watching his 'starter' videos.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Music Video Lesson

Today was good. Interesting lesson. We learn't about the codes and conventions of an average music video. We also got shown exapmples of music videos which I enjoyed because as everybody who knows me knows....I LOVE MUSIC!

After learning about these codes convention we got the opportunity to look at some music videos online. I went on yahoo videos to watch some. I am starting to look at music videos in a different way.

I have not decided yet what band I'm going to do my music video of. The possible bands are:

The Horrors
Avenged Sevenfold
The Ghost of a Thousand
Patchwork Grace

The Ghost of a Thousand are getting huge now andvare friends of mine (not very close) and they even got nominated for a Kerrang award but they have not had a music video out yet..this would be a good opportunity for me to make them one. I'm not too sure though if they would trust me though haha.

Patchwork Grace are also buddies of mine. I do them one but they live in Derby so it would be hard for me to meet up with them to film them for my video. I have a contact for their manager though who is really sweet and seems to like me so he would probs be able to arrange something.

Avenged Sevenfold are amazing. Just got their new album and I could do one of the songs from it.....Probs their song called 'Scream' in which hasn't been realesed and doesn't have a video. It's a really excellent song and I think it would be interesting to make a video for it.

Aiden..I just love them. Thats the simple reason why I'm considering doing them one.

The would be fun to make a video for them. They are a very exciting 60's influensed band. I could do something really experimental for them.

Arrrgh! Can't decide. I have to listen to the songs and see what I could do with them. Which one I could get the best grade out of making.

Anyway..Bye for now :D
