Alex M animatic

Music Video Presentation

Wednesday, March 26, 2008



HORAYY! I've nearly finished editing my music video. The only dillema is that it doesn't look as great as my classmates ones. It doesn't look worthy of a DISTINCTION!!! Thing is though I don't know how to make it worthy of one. Arrghhh this is so frustrating!!!!

I can't WAIT to get this all over and done with because it's stressing me out! I need a break!!! I'm not a patient person when it comes to technology so argghhh...I hope next Friday comes quick!

Thats all for now...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pretty Pleased with myself

Basically at this moment in time I am extremely pleased with myself. I think I've progressed faster then my classmates at creating my music video masterpiece.
I am astounded at how orginasied I have been for once. I have all my pre-production work (usually I loose my papers) and I have filmed all of my footage!!!!
Tomorrow afternoon I shall start to edit my footage (must remember to bring in my song!) and then I am editing on Friday afternoon, monday the 17th March and finally thursday the 20th.
I can't wait to get all this over with as I am super stressed out with all the work and tight deadlines.
I will miss Wednesday (19th) afternoon because I have won runner up Sussex BTEC learner of the year award and the awards ceremony is on that day at 4:30PM. I need to go home before hand to get ready. The awards will be at the Hilton Metrapole in Brighton.
I don't quite know how my editing is going to go. I'm a little worried that I will need to go out and film more scenes and things but possibly not. I shall have to see.
Thats all for now :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Aiden - 'She will Love You' Lyrics

You say you're in love
Well cursive wrote this sonnet to the end
You say you're in love
But this heart still can't pretend
Everything dressed in picturesque
So perfectly aligned
Will you come to me?
Will you come to me?

Kiss me quick I'm losing
Well can we live forever?

You say you're in love
Well beauty slides this silhouette to screen
Will you come to me?
Will you come to me?

Kiss me quick I'm losing
Well can we live forever?
Kiss me quick I'm losing
But I'm miserable still

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?

Can you take me back so far away?
Can you take me back so far away?
There's something left...
There's something left to say
There's something left...
You got something left to say

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?

She will love you through all the lies
She will love you through your disguise
She will love you through your demise, yeah yeah
And sing our lives forever,
Sing our lives together, won't you?